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Merchants and Trade - Act No 65/1993 on the Implementation of Invitation to Tender
Upon a closed Invitation to Tender a special message concerning it shall be sent to those whom the buyer
Regulation No. 668/2011 on documents that are exempt from requirements regarding submission of documents in relation to service provision in the internal market of the European Economic Area
Article 5 of the Act on services in the internal market of the European Economic Area shall not apply to
Regulation No. 667/2011 on general exemptions from the freedom to provide services in Iceland without establishment
a particular profession; matters covered by Council Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 on the application
Regulation No. 666/2011on notifications to the EFTA Surveillance Authority in relation to services in the internal market of the European Economic Area
distance between providers; an obligation on a provider to take a specific legal form; requirements
Reglulation No. 665/2011 on administrative cooperation of national authorities in the EEA-area in relation to services in the internal market of the European Economic Area
a provider intending to provide services in Iceland without establishment, as provided for in Article
Statement to the Security Council on The Middle East including the Palestinian Question by Ambassador Einar Gunnarsson
by Ambassador Einar Gunnarsson The Permanent Mission of Iceland to the United Nations Security Council
Tags Embassy of Iceland in Beijing
中国国家基金委向有意愿来中国大学学习的冰岛公民提供一个2018 - 2019 学年度奖学金,若需要了解更多信息,请登录一下链接:
Bill of legislation amending the Act on Financial Undertakings in response to ESA comments
The EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA) published a press release today regarding its reasoned opinion
Scholarship for studies in China during 2018-19
Icelandic citizens planning to study at Chinese universities during the academic year 2018-19.
Company Law - Establishment of Companies in Iceland
established a branch of a limited company in Iceland.
Act No 138/1994 on Private Limited Companies (as amended up to 1 May 2011)
Court of Iceland or a State Authorized Public Accountant.
Act No 2/1995 on Public Limited Companies (as amended up to 1 May 2011)
following shall i. a. be specified therein:- a.
Présentation de la viande d'agneau islandaise
Kristján Andri Stefánsson, a convié cette semaine chez lui quelques chef français de renom et journalistes
Assemblée générale de l'Association France-Islande
A l'issue de l'assemblée les participants se sont retrouvés autour d'un buffet islandais.
Dansk-islandsk filmsamarbejde 1918/2018
01 February 2018 Dansk-islandsk filmsamarbejde 1918/2018 Dansk-islandsk filmsamarbejde 1918/2018 I samarbejde
Séminaire: Islande Pêche Responsable
31 January 2018 Séminaire: Islande Pêche Responsable L’ambassade d’Islande, la Fondation Iceland Responsible
Regulation on the certification of equal pay systems of companies and institutions according to the ÍST 85 Standard - No. 1030 of 13 November 2017
2018 Regulation on the certification of equal pay systems of companies and institutions according to
REGULATION on the certification of equal pay systems of companies and institutions according to the ÍST 85 Standard - No. 1030 of 13 November 2017
Courses shall be held every three years, and more frequently if the need arises.