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Iceland reinforces its participation in NATO
Earlier today, at a meeting amongst Allies, the Prime Minister announced Iceland´s intentions to reinforce
Iceland reinforces its participation in NATO
Earlier today, at a meeting amongst Allies, the Prime Minister announced Iceland´s intentions to reinforce
Nordic Event on Arctic Civilian Security on Capitol Hill
This of course is connected to Iceland’s Arctic Council Chairmanship and we hope it will raise awareness
Speeches and Articles
Joint Nordic Statement on the occasion of SC Open Debate on Sexual Violence in Conflict
We must acknowledge the urgent need for concrete action.
81 Joint FSC PC fundur, 14. apríl 2021 (Unusual Military Activities of the Russian Federation)
statement on U nusual Military Activities of the Russian Federation Tags Alignments Permanent Mission of Iceland
GRECO - Evaluation Report on Iceland - Incriminiations (ETS 173 and 191, GPC 2) (Theme I)
Greco - Evaluation Report on Iceland Incriminiations (ETS 173 and 191, GPC 2) (Theme I) (pdf)
Isländskan förändrade hans liv: John Swedenmark fyller 60 år!
Men jag lyckas ofta hamna i tidsbrist i slutspurten, men då är det bara att hugga i lite extra” säger
L’ambassade d’Islande à Paris reçoit en cadeau un tableau rare du peintre islandais Eggert Gudmundsson
Gué par A. Meyer intitulée Intérieur d’une cuisine à Eydalir (Islande).
1266 PC, 7 May 2020 (World Press Freedom Day, Ukraine)
Joint Statement on World Press Freedom Day EU statement on Ukraine Tags Alignments Permanent Mission of Iceland
Speeches and Articles
UN LGBTI Core Group High Level Event - Leaving No One Behind: Decriminalization of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Iceland is a proud member of the Group and is fully committed to its values, mission and vision.
1326 PC, 29 July 2021 (World Day against Trafficking in Persons, recent developments in Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus)
in Moldova EU statement on Ukraine Joint statement on Belarus Tags Alignments Permanent Mission of Iceland
Speeches and Articles
Statement by the UN LGBTI Core Group at the 2020 HLPF
Chairperson, (I have the honor to deliver this statement on behalf of the Member States of the LGBTI
Speeches and Articles
Statement of Iceland on the Human Rights situation in the Philippines
President, I have the honour to make this statement on behalf of a group of 38 States.
Nordic arts festival in Rome
The festival was presented at a joint conference of all the Nordic ambassadors to Italy last week.
Foreign Ministers of Iceland and Vietnam meet in Hanoi
The meeting was held in connection with the state visit of the President of Iceland to Vietnam.
Journée internationale de l'égalité salariale: une rémunération égale pour un monde juste
Pour garantir le droit à un salaire égal pour un travail égal, notre législation actuelle a été élaborée
Speeches and Articles
Joint Nordic Statement on the occasion of Arria formula meeting in UN Security Council
The voices of the people of Belarus need to be heard. Critical voices must not be silenced.
Political Advisor to the Minister
Margrét Gísladóttir has been appointed as a Political Advisor to Gunnar Bragi Sveinsson, Minister
The Embassy Operates with Restricted Services until 10 February
authorities, the Embassy of Iceland in China operates with restricted services until Monday 10 February