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Acts of Parliament
Acts of Parliament
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- Act no 25_1993-on animal diseases and measures to control them-mai-2015.pdf
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- Act on the Cape Town Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and the Protocol on Matters Specific to Aircraft Equipment No 74-2019.pdf
- The Government Employees Pension Fund Act, No. 1/1997
- Act regarding the Icelandic Red Cross and the emblem of the Red Cross, the Red Crescent and the Red Crystal
- Act on European Works Councils in Undertakings, No. 61/1999
- Act No 72/2004 respecting Employees´ Inventions
- Act No. 38/2001 on interest and price indexation.
- Act No 85 of 25 June 2018 on Equal Treatment irrespective of Race and Ethnic Origin
- Børnelov nr. 76 27. marts 2003
- Act on the Cape Town Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and the Protocol on Matters Specific to Aircraft Equipment No 74/2019
- Patients' Rights Act, No. 74/1997
- Act on Workplace ID Cards and Workplace Inspection, No. 42/2010
- Straffeprocesloven
- Act on the Free Right to Employment and Residence within the European Economic Area, No. 105/2014
- Act No. 87/2004 on oil tax and mileage fee
- The Social Security Act, No. 100/2007
- Prohibition on Termination of Employment due to Family Responsibilities Act, No. 27/2000
- Code of Criminal Procedure No. 88, 12 June 2008
- Act No. 94/1996 on Withholding of Tax on Financial Income
- Foreign Exchange Act No. 70/2001
- Local Government Elections Act, No. 5/1998/ with subsequent amendments
- Act on the Judiciary
- Industry - The Industrial Act No 42/1978
- Parliamentary Elections to the Althing, Act No. 24/2000
- Act on Posted Workers and the Obligations of Foreign Service-Providers No. 45/2007
- Holiday Allowance Act, No. 30/1987
- Act on Patient Insurance, No. 111/2000
- Copyright Act No. 73/1972
- Act No. 127/2011 amending the Foreign Exchange Act, the Customs Act and the Act on the Central Bank of Iceland
- Public Rental Dwellings Act, No. 52/2016
- Act on Public Support for Research No. 3/2003
- Lov Nr. 48/2003 om forbrugerkøb
- Icelandic Nationality Act, No. 100/1952
- Lov om erstatningsansvar
- Act No 121/1994 on Consumer Credit
- Act on Equal Status and Equal Rights Irrespective of Gender
- Act on Temporary-Work Agencies, No. 139/2005
- Act No 103/1992 respecting Commission Sales Transactions -
- Tobacco Control Act, No. 6/2002
- Act No. 96/1995 on alcohol and tobacco tax
- Act on nicotine products, electronic cigarettes and refill containers for electronic cigarettes, No. 87/2018
- Act on Working Terms and Pension Rights Insurance, No. 55/1980
- Merchants and Trade - Act No 50/2000 on the Sale of Goods in English Translation
- Merchants and Trade - Act No 50/2000 on Sale of Goods in Danish Translation
- Housing Cooperatives Act, No. 66/2003
- Healthcare Practitioners Act No. 34/2012
- TRANSLATION OF RECENT AMENDMENTS OF ICELANDIC PUBLIC AND PRIVATE LIMITED COMPANIES' LEGISLATION (2008-2010) including Acts 13/2010 (sex ratios) and 68/2010 (minority protection, remuneration)
- Act No 105/2016 on amending the Foreign Exchange Act (capital account liberalisation)
- Law on Lotteries, No. 38/2005
- Unemployment Insurance Act, No. 54/2006
- Act no. 65/2003 Act on Electricity
- National Security Council Act No. 98, 20 September 2016
- Act No. 55/2013 on animal welfare
- Amendments to the Icelandic Nationality Act
- Act on the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service, a public-service medium No. 23/2013
- Civil Protection Act
- Act on the Right of Ownership and Use of Real Property
- Act on the recognition of professional qualifications for the pursuit of an activity in Iceland 2010 No 26
- Act on Visual Arts No 64/2012
- Act on the return of cultural objects to other countries No. 57/2011
- Act on Artificial Fertilisation and use of Human Gametes and Embryos for Stem-Cell Research, No. 55/1996
- Financial Services and Markets - Act No 98/1999 on Deposit Guarantees and Investor- Compensation Scheme.
- Bill of Legislation Amending the Foreign Exchange Act, the Act on the Treatment of Króna-Denominated Assets Subject to Special Restrictions, and the Act on a Special Tax on Financial Undertakings (capital flow management measures to mitigate adverse effects of capital inflows)
- Act respecting the status of the Icelandic language and Icelandic sign language No 61/2011
- Act Amending the Act on Equal Treatment Irrespective of Race and Ethnic Origin, No 85/2018 (adding more discrimination factors)
- Act No 2/1995 on Public Limited Companies (as amended up to 1 May 2011)
- Act on payments to parents of chronically ill or severely disabled children, No. 22/2006
- Act No. 152/2009 on support for innovation enterprises
- The Accounting Act No. 145/1994
- The Crafts and Trades Act No. 42/1978 with subsequent amendments
- Merchants and Trade - Act No. 30/2002 on Electronic Commerce and other Electronic Services.
- Housing Benefit Act No. 75/2016
- Act No. 25/1993 on animal diseases and measures to control them
- Merchants and Trade - Act No 25/1991 on Product Liability
- Act No. 161/2002 on financial undertakings
- Act No 42/1983 on Landsvirkjun
- Multi-Owner Buildings Act, No. 26/1994
- Act No 34/1991 on Investment by Non-residents in Business Enterprices,.
- Act on Maternity/Paternity Leave and Parental Leave No. 144/2020
- Literary Act No 91/ 2007
- Den islandske færdselslov nr. 50/1987 med senere ændringer, § 101
- Act No 82/2019 on the registration of beneficial owners
- Act No. 76/2011 on services in the internal market of the European Economic Area
- Company Law - Act No 33/1999 respecting Foundations Engaging in Business Operations, as amended (1 November 2006)
- Social Assistance Act, No. 99/2007
- CIVILPROCESLOVENnr. 91 af 31. december 1991 med senere ændringer
- Adoption Act
- Act on Professional Lawyers
- Administrative Procedures Act - No. 37/1993
- The Biobanks and Health Databanks Act No. 110/2000
- Act No. 54/1990 on Importation of Animals Act
- Child Protection Act, No. 80/2002
- Act No. 47/2008 respecting Amendment of Acts on Public Limited Companies and Private Limited Companies (Simplification of Rules on the Payment of Share Capital by Other Means than Cash et al.)
- Financial Services and Markets - Act No. 99/1999 on the Payment of Costs for Public Supervision of Financial Activities
- The Public Projects Procedures Act, No. 84/2001
- Act on the National and University Library of Iceland No 142/2011
- Act No. 45/1987 on the Withholding of Public Levies at Source
- Den islandske borgerlige straffelov
- Act No. 150/2007 on the limitation periods for claims
- Act on Covered Bonds, No. 11/2008
- Medicinal Products Act no. 100/2020
- Icelandic Student Loan Fund Act No. 21/1992
- Lov om udbetaling af erstatning fra staten til ofre for forbrydelser
- Foreign Service of Iceland Act, No. 39/1971
- Directorate of Education Act No 91/2015
- Children Act, no. 76/2003, with later amendments
- Act on of the National Flag of Icelanders and the Coat of Arms, No 34/1944 of 17 June
- Act on the Icelandic Museum of Natural History No 35/2007
- Act No. 92/2006 respecting European Cooperative Societies.
- Act on workplace training fund No 71/2012
- Act on Health Insurance, No. 112/2008
- Competition Law No 44/2005, ammended by Ammendments No 52/2007 and 94/2008.
- Act on public higher education institutions No 85/2008
- Elections Act, No 112/2021
- Act on the Protection of the Rights of Disabled Persons, No. 88/2011
- Merchants and Trade - Act No 65/1993 on the Implementation of Invitation to Tender
- Ændringer af den islandske lov om statsborgerret
- Preschool Act No.90/2008
- Police Act, No. 90/1996
- Wage Guarantee Fund Act, No. 88/2003
- Medical Director of Health and Public Health Act, No. 41/2007
- Labour Market Measures Act, No. 55/2006
- Act No. 109/2011 on taxation of hydrocarbon production
- Act No 134/1995 on Product Safety and Official Market Control
- Rent Act, No. 36/1994
- Healers Act, No. 34/2005
- Deaf and Hard of Hearing Communication Centre Act No 129/1990
- Act on Trade Unions and Industrial Disputes, No. 80/1938
- General Penal Code, Nr. 19/1940
- Act on Insurance Contracts, No 30/2004
- Act respecting support for the publication of books in Icelandic 2018 no. 130, 2018
- Act No. 78/1993 on the Protection of Topographies of Semiconductor Products
- Act on Gender Autonomy No. 80/2019 as amended by Act No. 159/2019, No. 152/2020 and No. 154/2020
- Library Act No 150/2012
- Act on Public Procurement, No. 120/2016
- Act on Counselling and Education regarding Sex and Childbirth, No. 25/1975
- Housing Act, No. 44/1998
- Narcotics Act, No. 65/1974
- Act on the Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies No 40/2006
- Act No. 52/2007 amending the Competition Act No. 44/2005
- Act on the Government Offices of Iceland
- Welfare Appeals Committee Act, No. 85/2015
- Termination of Pregnancy Act No. 43/2019
- Act No. 87/1998 on Official Supervision of Financial Activities
- The Pension Act, No. 129/1997
- Act on Funds and Institutions Operating According to Approved Charters, No. 19, 15 May 1988
- Act on Candidacy and Election of the President of Iceland, No. 36/1945
- Act No. 14/2011 amending Act No. 44/2005, on Competition, as subsequently amended
- Media Act No. 38/2011
- Law in Respect of Marriage No 31 1993
- The Information Act No. 140/2012
- Act No. 29/1993, on commodity tax on vehicles, fuel, et al.
- Act on Equal Treatment on the Labour Market, No. 86/2018
- Constitution of the Republic of Iceland
- Act on annual accounts
- Act giving legal effect to the Defence Agreement between Iceland and the United States and on the legal status of US Forces and properties, No. 110/1951
- Parliamentary Resolution on a national security policy for Iceland
- Immigrant Affairs Act, No. 116/2012
- Educational and Vocational Guidance Practitioners Act No 35/2009
- Act on the Protection of Privacy as regards the Processing of Personal Data, No. 77/2000
- Regional Matters - Law on the Institute of Regional Development Act No 106/1999
- Act on children's access to films and video games No. 62/2006
- Compulsory School Act No 91/2008
- Adult Education Act No 27/2010
- Act on the Administration of Matters Concerning Equality No. 151/2020
- Act on the Establishment of Landsnet hf. No. 75/2004
- Industry - Act No 8/1996 respecting the Authorization of Several Professional Titles of Specialists in Technical and Design Faculties
- Act on Radiation Protection, No. 44/2002
- Act No. 98/1992 on Immunities and Privileges of International Organizations
- Act No 138/1994 on Private Limited Companies (as amended up to 1 May 2011)
- Upper Secondary Education Act No 92/2008
- Act on Bankruptcy etc.
- Supporting documents regarding Act No 44/2009
- Act No. 90/2003, Income Tax Act
- Sports Act No. 64/1998
- Act on the Post and Telecom Administration, No. 69, 24 March 2003
- Youth Act no. 70, 2007
- Act on Collection of Evidence Relating to Alleged Violations of Intellectual Property Rights, No. 53/2006
- Merchants and Trade - Act No 14/1995 on the Amentment of Act No 7/1936 on Making of Contracts, Agency and Void Undertakings, with Later Amendments.
- Act no. 75/2011, The Tourist Site Protection Fund
- Act on Information and Consultation in Undertakings, No. 151/2006
- Extradition of Criminals and Other Assistance in Criminal Proceedings
- Act no. 3/2006 Act on annual accounts
- The Ombudsman for Debtors Act, No. 100/2010
- Act No 119/2019 on the obligation of non profit organisations to register
- Foreign Nationals' Right to Work Act, No. 97/2002
- The State Guarantee Act, No. 121/1997
- The Industrial Act No 42/1978
- Higher Education Act No 63/2006
- Politiloven, nr. 90 13. juni 1996 med senere ændringer
- Public Archives Act No 77/2014
- Act No. 108/2007 on Securities Transactions
- Act on the Affairs of the Elderly, No. 125/1999
- Company Law - Act No 159/1994 on the European Economic Interest Grouping as amended (1 November 2006)
- Act on the Integration of Services in the Interest of Children’s Prosperity No 86/2021
- Act on Working Environment, Health and Safety in Workplaces, No. 46/1980
- Educational Grants Act No. 79/2003
- Financial Services and Markets - Act No 50/1997 on the Establishment of Limited Liability Companies to Operate Landsbanki Íslands and Búnaðarbanki Íslands.-
- Bekendtgörelse om register over trafikovertrædelser og point-system for trafikovertrædelser Nr. 431/1998
- Personal Names Act, No. 45 of 17th May 1996
- Act on Scientific Research in the Health Sector No 44/2014
- Act on the Icelandic Coast Guard
- Act on Health Security and Communicable Diseases, No. 19/1997
- Act on Legal Competence
- Municipalities' Social Services Act, No. 40/1991
- Health Records Act, No. 55/2009
- Museum Act No 141/ 2011
- Act No. 78/2007 on occupational retirement funds
- Act No. 129/1997 on Mandatory Pension Insurance and on the Activities of Pension Funds
- Act No 90/1999 respecting the Security of Transfer Orders in Payment Systems
- Act on Medical Devices No. 132 2020
- Health Service Act, No. 40/2007
- Company Law - Establishment of Companies in Iceland
- Inheritance Act No. 8, 14 March 1962
- Lov om islandsk statsborgerret
- Act Respecting Labourers' Right to Advance Notice of Termination of Employment and to Wages on Account of Absence through Illness and Accidents, No. 19/1979
- Code of Civil Procedure No. 91, 31 December 1991
- The Value Added Tax Act, Nr. 50/1988